93783 Newport Lane, Coos Bay OR 97420
1 (541) 269-5485

LEED Certification

MAXiTUF Recycled Plastic Lumber LEED Certification

Resco Plastic’s MAXiTUF plastic lumber can help achieve LEED certification in several categories related to sustainable materials and building practices.
Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction: By using MAXiTUF plastic lumber, projects can potentially earn 2-4 LEED credits for reducing the building’s overall life-cycle impact. Plastic lumber is a durable and long-lasting material that can withstand harsh weather conditions, making it an ideal choice for outdoor projects. Additionally, Resco Plastics accepts its lumber back at the end of the projects lifespan to reuse it, reducing waste and further reducing the overall environmental impact.
Building Product Disclosure and Optimization: Sourcing of Raw Materials: Projects that use MAXiTUF plastic lumber can earn 1 LEED credit for sourcing a material with 95% or better recycled content. The use of recycled content helps reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing new products and helps divert waste from landfills.
Building Product Disclosure and Optimization: Material Ingredients:MAXiTUF plastic lumber does not contain any hazardous chemicals or other substances that can harm the environment. This can potentially earn up to 2 LEED credits for using products with low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other harmful substances.
Overall, using Resco Plastic’s MAXiTUF plastic lumber in a project can help demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility, which are key components of LEED certification. By choosing plastic lumber, organizations can earn credits for reducing the building’s overall impact, using recycled content, and selecting products with low environmental impact.